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Listed below are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about OSA, our products, and the services our subscribers receive. If your question or concern is not among those answered here, please feel free to contact us either by email or live chat.
Note: If you’re already an OSA subscriber, please have your buyer number ready for faster processing of your request.
Q. I was notified that the charge on my credit card was not approved, why is this so?
A. Some of the possible reasons for declined credit card transactions are: blocked accounts, or the card was reported as stolen; insufficient funds, incorrect or incomplete credit card number, no indicated expiry date; expired card or the card is no longer valid.
In some instances credit card companies require a written consent or approval from the card holder before they authorize the charge.
Q. Can I use a credit card that is not under my name?
A. Yes, but we will only begin processing the transaction after we receive the following:
1. a signed letter from the cardholder authorizing the use of his credit card, and
2. a photocopy of the credit card, front and back, showing the signature of the holder.
Kindly email it to:
Q. Do you accept local credit cards?
A. OSA only accepts international Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and JCB credit cards. If you do not have any one of these, you may send in your payment by cash, personal cheque, international money order or bank draft.
We also accept local bank transfers for most countries (valid for certain web entries only) and international wire transfers to our London bank account, details of which are available upon request.
Q. My credit card statement showed that I was charged twice for the same OSA transaction. Will I get a refund for this?
A. Yes. OSA will send you a refund for the double charged transaction. You only have to inform us where and how you want the money to be sent back to you.
Q. I have previously subscribed using my credit card, now I am told that the charge was declined because of the gambling code. What is this?
A. Recently amended US Laws (HR 2143) require that all credit card transactions be “coded” to classify the products or services being bought or sold online. By blocking certain codes, banks that issue credit cards can refuse payment for some (but not all) gambling activity over the Internet. Unfortunately, some banks mistakenly classify OSA under the FF (gambling code) hence the refusal to honor the charge for your subscription.
But don’t worry, you may still continue playing. Just send us details of a credit card (issued by a different bank), or, if you prefer, you may send us your payment in cash, personal cheque, international money order, bank draft or wire transfer to our London bank account.